Adieu Fido!!! The poster blitz worked after three days of wondering if I have accidentally stepped into another dog... he's GONE! His owner saw the poster called me up this morning and I took him his dog. He was a local truck driver who left that window down just a little bit, and Rover saw his opportunity to spend a night out on the town. I was just trying to make sure he didn't have to spend the night on the road. Well to make a long story short. Dog and owner are once again reunited. YEA!!!! Red hated him and was looking for his opportunity to get killed to death. This dog had no tolorance for any little dog syndrome and even bit Ari! I had made up my mind if I hadn't heard by Friday he was going to have to go the the animal shelter, but now I get to have a happy ending and Rin Tin Tin gets to go home. Aloha!!!
I love happy endings! And Treb your paint shop art work is amazing!
Ran into Fido again at the truckstop. He was tied to the trailer hitch of his owners truck. He was happy tp see us.
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