Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes

Monday, October 10, 2011

Crackpot Minister

I generally avoid talking about religion or politics (mainly because they SHOULD not be mixed), but a recent conversation with someone, and current issues in the news have gotten me to the point where I cannot keep my mouth closed anymore!!! Baptist minister Robert Jeffress is now in the same category as Harold Camping, a clown and a crackpot preacher. I am not attacking the Baptist faith by any means, my roots go back to the Baptist church and I honor my heritage daily. I know I should not judge, because Jesus said,” Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” However, I have been to Ringling Brothers and know a clown when I see it, and I have been to Pier One and can spot a cracked pot. This man no more knows the mind and will of God than Big Bird. I’ll bet he can tell you what the going rate on “salvation” is though.

I do not know how he voted or who he endorsed in 08, but I bet he didn’t vote for Obama because he is a democrat. He does not feel that Mitt Romney is a suitable candidate because he is a Mormon (a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). I am not sure what other categories he falls into, but religiously speaking, I believe, the word is bigot. He branded “Mormonism” as a “cult.” Maybe it is by a roundabout definition. However by that definition, what is he??? He also said Mitt Romney is a "good" and "moral" person, but "that does not make him a Christian," SO??? Is Mitt running to be a minister? Is he looking to instill Mormonism into the government of the United States??? He sure didn’t do so in Massachusetts. Don’t mistake this tirade as an endorsement of Mitt Romney, I have no idea yet who I will vote for in the next election. However, let me be clear on this. If I thought that Romney was going to follow an LDS agenda, I would not vote for him. “Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” The office of the President of the United States of America is not the place for preaching, proselyting, or instilling morals on others. It should not prohibit that from happening either within the limits of the constitution. The office should be run constitutionally only. Do your proselyting in church, and with your families.

This man, “Dr.” Jeffress is an idiot, and anything that he is, or claims to be, and not endorse, is almost a perfect barometer as for who maybe I should give consideration. I detest everything about the man, from his “I’m born again and you’re not” look of condescension, to his phony “I care about you” smile. He is a bottom feeder in religion, and I would suggest any of his congregation or followers to discontinue association with him. He uses Jesus as his own personal cloak, badge, and shield as if he himself were the one who hung on the cross. He uses the Bible as a loophole to say what he himself believes, and uses his association with his church as a megaphone to say which candidate is right.

I would not ask him, or trust his answers as to what he thinks a “Mormon” believes. I believe he would use half truths, lies, and innuendo to say things that support his words. I think he has about the same accuracy in what a Mormon believes as the Broadway play The Book of Mormon does. He might look at what Romney does support and turn a blind eye to what he believes religiously. He might find that Romney’s background values support the values that he purports to follow, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” I think Jeffress should stay out of politics, and find a job more suited to his talents. I am SURE there is a car lot out there that needs a salesman. He gives the word “Christian” a bad taste, and if he is what a Christian is, count me out. However, who is he to define the word Christian? I am not by any means hanging this tirade on all Baptist preachers. I believe that the vast majorities are servants of God, but this one, his type sickens me. He can twist scripture to his own agenda, like Pat Robertson or the heretic Fred Phelps. I wonder where this talent comes from, I doubt it is supernal. Just because he is a Baptist preacher does not qualify him to be the mouthpiece of Jesus on Earth. I will leave the mind and will of Jesus Christ to Jesus himself.

If he does not believe I am a Christian, I can live with that, I DON’T WANT TO BE associated in the same category as the likes of him. I know what I believe, I know what I am, and I know who holds the keys of MY salvation. It is most definitely NOT this Bozo. He does not even have a map to my salvation, which is a personal relationship that I have with my Savior. It is not my social associations with a group; it is who I gave myself to. Who the HELL is Jeffress to be able to be my judge??? I advise him to be careful, because he is making his own measuring stick by which he will be measured. As to his association with his church and his office, that I feel he has abused, I believe this says it all. “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

To clarify, I do not put myself above Jeffress or any of his congregation, or any of you. I know that I am a sinner, and I know that I have said and done things that are not right in the sight of God. I may be hell bound too, but I am NOT going to be bullied anymore. I am not going to be a voiceless victim of the opinions of others, and roll over and take it. I have turned the other cheek too many times. I will not proselyte the unwilling, or shove my beliefs down their throat. I will follow my conscience, and allow you to do the same without my two cents, unless asked for my opinion or beliefs. Don’t suppose to hang a special careful moniker on me, or tell me what I am, or tell me YOU know where I am going, or who I really worship. YOU DON’T KNOW and it is NOT your place to know, or to presume to assign MY position in the eternities. You did not hang on that cross, and you simply do not hold that authority. If I do or do not make it to see the throne of God, it will be because I was judged by the only One who has that authority and that is good with me. I will trust that, and I will trust in Him.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


hyp•o•crite (noun)
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion.
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

Pat Robertson has proven to me what I have often suspected that he is, a hypocrite. He made a statement that it is okay to divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer’s disease. Tuesday this week he said; “I know it sounds cruel, but if he’s going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but to make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her.” He stated further, "I certainly wouldn't put a guilt trip on you ... I can't fault him for wanting some kind of companionship, and if he sense in a sense, she's gone, he's right It's like a walking death. Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer. I recognize the dilemma and the last thing I'd do is condemn you for taking that kind of action."

First of all Mr. Robertson, she is NOT gone until she is dead. Marriage vows are not until you are in a like death state, they go on till the death of one of the marriage partners. They are “from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” Have you not been to a wedding and listened to this?

Okay all of that aside, you have claimed to be a minister for years and years, and for some reason or another, people listen to you. You have proclaimed and in essence condoned something that is not what you have preached, and therefore you are a false prophet. You need to retire or maybe go into seclusion before you do more damage than you are worth. You have elevated yourself UP to crackpot evangelism much like your contemporary Harold Camping.

In my humble opinion, one should be faithful to ones vows and covenants. In my opinion, marriage is one of the most holy of these, and should not be cast aside, because she seems like she is “gone” and is a hardship. What would Jesus do? Would he abandon the cause because it was too much for him? No, he suffered pain that caused him, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit, and would that He might not drink the bitter cup. Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, He partook of the cup and finished his preparations to the children of men, even you Pat. He did not back down when it became too hard, and he endured his suffering to the end. Maybe we should take his example.

Now to the “gone” statement; if the lack of evidence of intellect is your indicator that they are gone, then when does life end? You have been telling people that life begins at conception, and have said how evil it is to end it. Well, now by your definition, it is only when the person can be a contributor to a relationship. What about those fetuses? They are then gone by that definition. Retarded children, autistic children, they fall under this loophole that you have now provided. Shall we abort or abandon them too??? What about crackpot preachers?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Baaaaack

It has been awhile since I posted something on my blog, and I thought I would get back in the practice. Facebook and its immediate constant updates took the place of blogs for a time. Patti and I are now, or at least in 6 hours will be on summer break. It has been a good school year, and we have been blessed.

Red and Buck are still as stubborn as ever, and have a tendency to get into the occasional scrap (more Buck than Red). We have some wild cats living out back that I have been feeding occasionally to keep the rodent population down. When I was going out back to do something Buck went gallantly charging into the valley of death, contrary to my orders to stay put. I heard when he caught the cat... BARK BARK BARK YELP!...bark bark. He was more inclined to listen when I said go get in the yard.

Yesterday I was using the weedeater, and once again Buck decided it was time to do battle. I didn't even know he was nearby, as I was still in the starting mode and switching between half and full choke. He lit into the head of the weedeater, for about half a second. It put a few welts on his nose, and one small cut. I felt so bad for him, but being a teacher I felt it was a good education. He still barks at it, but at a slight distance. Red has become the gentle dog, and only barks at the occasional grackle, or anyone who passes by outside. Buck being the mindless tailchaser that he is, barks at his reflection in the sliding glass door.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Constant Swearing = Lack of Intellect

This afternoon Patti and I went to McDonalds for a soft drink after work. Patti graciously went in to get them. She said there were some young people (obviously from out of town) who were swearing loud enough to be heard by all. Using the filthiest of words, the 7 words that George Carlin said were the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine and keep the America from winning the war. I won't go into the list of what those words are I am sure you probably have a good enough imagination.

She got into the car almost in tears, commenting on how this is a family restaurant and that they were saying things for all to hear. One mother moved her children to one of the outside tables to get away from it. Patti asked me why some people feel the need to say such things. I of course trying to be Mr. Answer Man said, the answer was simple A lack of ability to express themselves due to a lack of intellect. They don't have the ability of self expression, but they do know seven words that will get peoples attention "look at me," "Listen to me, I know seven words!!!"

If you think that it use of this sort of language is cultural, and that it is how people of your culture are supposed to speak, maybe you should step back and take a look at the bigger picture. I doubt your ancestors would approve, and would probably be discouraged and ashamed. If not, they should be.

Youth whose speech is dominated by profanities only broadcast their dismal knowledge of the English language. Language is beautiful, and the lack of consideration it receives is almost criminal. This is what I fear for the younger generation. I fear that their utter disregard - and in some cases contempt - for the importance of language and the skill of communication will prove devastating. It is not only the mindless cursing that threatens to cripple our generation, but it is also the vocabularies composed of “likes,” “cools,” “uhs” and other such drivel.

Teenagers do not realize it, but their inability to express themselves with meaningful words will result in no one wanting to listen to them. Their opinions will certainly not hold much sway for want of eloquence, and in many cases, coherence.

Crass, juvenile speech may not hinder you now, but if it is all you practice, it will be a rude awakening when you finally realize that you cannot attain the heights you had set for yourself. Do you want to influence and shape the worlds of business, politics, or culture?

Then do not make the mistake of valuing your speech so cheaply.